An introduction to the principles of electronic publishing.
Copyright 1996, Karl Dolenc. All rights reserved.
You may use Interactive Prophet fee of charge. Licensing details are in the accompanying LICENSE file.
By using Interactive Prophet you agree to the terms and conditions of the license.
You may contact the author by email at Your comments are welcome, but take note that no support, upgrades or changes to the product can be offered.
Minimum system requirements to run Interactive Prophet
Color Macintosh (all content is color graphics - you won't see much in black & white.)
HyperCard Player 2.1 or above
System 7 or above
2MB application RAM (HyperCard memory partition must be at least 2048K to display color.)
1.5MB disk space
What is Interactive Prophet?
It's a HyperCard stack that teaches the basic principles of electronic publishing, as much by example as by instruction.
I produced this in the hope it will inspire others to similar and greater feats. HyperCard has a poor image, but it is in my opinion the best authoring package. I am not at all surprised that Myst was programmed in HyperCard. And with version 3.0 it's about to get even better.
About the Author
I am a youngish (still not thirty!) freelance editor, writer, artist, whatever, living in London, England. Other work I have on the Internet to date is StoryProject, a freeware story development tool for fiction writers. My next freebie, a HyperCard interactive adventure, is due out in Spring 1997.
If you like my work and have a multimedia producer or editor vacancy in your company, then get in touch.
Copyright acknowledgement
Interactive Prophet was produced in HyperCard 2.2, and incorporates AddColor XCMD and Picture XCMD, both copyright Apple Computer, all rights reserved.